When you think about it, no one ever talks about the first time they release there apps. Whether its for personal growth or for a company. It is a mind field when you first set to releasing an app.
When I started my career I was "just a" bug finder. But as I grew with the industry I realised as a contractor I needed to know everything.
So I went ahead and made some apps (I will not disclose them on here as they are a tad embarrassing now ๐ ) For me I was Apple made. It was strange at the time for a techy to be so invested in Apple but it helped me progress quiet far in a short space of time. So for me it was logical to try the app store first. All went well until I went to release my android app.. well I was up all night learning about EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to get the app to release.
1000 coffees later I cracked the code.
What did I learn? Always stay ahead and stay hungry to learn as that challenge of releasing apps made me more successful to date than any other skill Ive learnt along the way.