Rise sees, champions, and celebrates diverse professionals, connecting them with aligned opportunities. Amplify your career story to go further, faster, on your own terms!

On Bringing your A-Game: How to stand out in your job search? 🌟

On Bringing your A-Game: How to stand out in your job search? 🌟

On Bringing your A Game: How to stand out in your job search? 

Resumes and cover letters are essential in every job application and definitely good to summarize your skills and qualifications. But what if you level up the “good” to “extraordinary” in your job search journey. As the job market this year is increasingly competitive with 96% of professionals searching for new roles this 2023, you have the power to gear up your job application methods by being strategic in getting noticed, connected to getting hired! 

In this headline, we are laying down some magic so that you can  refer to level up your job search. 

🌟 Build a stellar online presence 

A professional profile that highlights your skills, experience, and accomplishments attracts employers. The projects and case studies you’ve been a part of with your previous work and side gigs can serve as an online portfolio. Potential employers and hiring managers can quickly get a better sense of who you are, your personality, style and values in a snazzy way. 

In Rise, you can create a kick-ass digital presence with your own profile where you can shine in all of your glory. Check out these 5 Rise profile favorites that you can use as a blueprint and inspiration to kick-off your profile. 

🤝 Never underestimate the power of networking

Power is in people so surrounding yourself with professionals could introduce and get you connected to new opportunities. 

Connect with professionals in your communities and avoid burning bridges. Check if there are cool professional gatherings in your city! Chime in with the community of your practice. You never know, putting yourself out there and surrounding yourself with ambitious professionals in the industry can help you gain access to job openings and valuable referrals. Learn more about the power of networking here

🦸‍♀️ Endorsements can be your special super power! 

Recognitions are badges of honor! A reference and endorsement from your previous bosses, coworkers, and mentors can add credibility to your reputation. Poke your colleagues and ask them a story of what it's like to work with you and let them share your work ethic and achievements! 

Here’s a great resource of the power of shout outs or video testimonials for your job search!

Job hunting isn’t easy and sometimes it feels lonely and draining but remember, you have the potential and you are capable of getting your dream job! With your inner strength and talents combined with the support of people around you (including us), you can shine through in the sea of job application. Harness the power of personal branding and share your work to others. In time, you’ll get noticed, connected and hired.


Are you looking for new roles? Check out Rise's job board and this week's round-up of opportunities. Not yet on Rise? Sign-up as talent now, it's free!

Photo by João Jesus: https://www.pexels.com/photo/selective-focus-photo-of-a-red-tulip-flower-2480072/

Career Growth Inspirations
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