A career coaching platform for dissatisfied high achievers who want to find their purpose.

Do you make fear-based decisions?

Do you make fear-based decisions?

I think often about how fear and scarcity are deeply influential on our society. 

It’s everywhere: politics, business, the way we live our lives, and how we make decisions around family or work.

I understand this. We’re wired for survival and fear is powerful in keeping us alive and safe. I also used to think if I leaned into the fear, I’d be more prepared for what could go wrong.

The thing is though… our “safety” isn’t necessarily at risk when it comes to making big decisions — especially with our careers. 

Our social safety maybe, but not our actual safety. 

For example, I see people making big life decisions by choosing not to make a move or pursue a career because they want to avoid pain or discomfort. They want to avoid rejection or failure. Rejection and failure don’t feel good, but it’s very unlikely you’ll actually die from these things!

Fear is meant to protect you. It’s not meant to support you in reaching your full potential.

Today, I invite you to consider the role that fear plays in your life. Here are some prompts to sit with:

  • How has fear shown up for you when making important decisions?
  • What is the short-term impact when you make a decision from a place of fear?
  • What is the long-term impact on your life and wellbeing? 

If you're looking for more support on taking this big step, you can watch my free class, How to find your superpower (link in the comments).

#purpose #careerchange #careercoaching 

Career Growth
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Work Bigger

Watch my free class, How to find your superpower here: https://purpose.workbigger.co/Rise

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