Let’s talk about guilt.
Staying in guilt is often unproductive.
The topic of guilt has come up a lot at Work Bigger. Guilt is something I’ve also experienced personally.
From mom guilt on days when I feel like I’m not doing enough for my two boys to feeling guilt because of my privilege. After all, I’m a refugee who was able to leave a third-world country to move to the United States. (Some days, I still can’t believe I live here and what I left behind.)
When I talk about letting go of guilt, I’m not talking about the guilt that shows up because of your moral compass. I’m talking about guilt that’s pervasive.
This type of guilt can drag you down and keep you from using all of your privileges and gifts.
Is this something you experience?
I think it’s so important to transform this guilt into something more productive and positive.
I have a free worksheet to help you work on this. Then email me and let me know what questions you have.