Who are we?
GPTZero’s mission is to restore information quality and transparency on the internet.
Our team comes from high-performing engineering cultures, including Uber, Meta, Microsoft, Affirm, and leading AI research labs, including Princeton, Caltech, Vector, and MILA. We are working on novel models and pushing cutting-edge research to production, including AI detection, AI hallucination detection, retrieval augmented generation, and writing stylometry to over 3 million active users, and enterprise clients including Fortune 1000 and Unicorn AI companies.
We are backed by some of the best in the valley, including Uncork, Neo, Altman Capital, and in journalism, including Mark Thompson (CEO of NYT, BBC, CNN) and Tom Glocer (CEO of Reuters) who defined a generation of quality digital information.
The ideal candidate is a product designer with incredible engineering, business, and product intuition who can help design and optimize GPTZero’s roadmap. We are looking for someone with a superpower in combining user (experience) obsession with a proven ability to drive product and business objectives forward.
3-10 years of work experience in a product design or a startup role.
Leadership experience, whether as a founder, manager, or mentor to teammates in product and design
Advanced familiarity with Figma
Self-starter, entrepreneurial, and biased towards action
This is a full-time position with competitive salary, benefits, and equity.
We work hybrid in our New York Union Square office three times a week. Flexible for a remote start and relocation.
Flexible PTO
Healthcare and dental coverage
Quarterly team retreats and offsite
Team lunches provided
Learning stipend, mentorship, and time with world-class advisors
Competitive salary
Competitive equity for a founding team member
We are a cash-flow positive/profitable company experiencing exponential growth in multiple industries. We are open to sharing our growth metrics with applicants.
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