ā¢ I'm a New Yorkah ā¢ I LOVE TikTok (Follow me @murrayhillmillennial) ā¢ I joke about the everyday struggles of working in an outdated work environment
As a career explorer, I've gained many important, useful skills!
The work environment for many people right now is extremely unfair. PTO? No. Work from home? Nope. Normal hours? Don't think so. Cynical bosses? Yeah. Inhumane treatment? Yep. Unsustainable pay? Yes. That needs to be turned around. Through my TikTok, I want to spread awareness on these issues so everyone is ensured (what should be) basic rights at work. You should be treated like a human at work, not like a robot!
@murrayhillmillennial I need to drink water
ā¬ Rango the chain - mr_gameclips