At CBEM, our mission is to honor individuals with developmental disabilities and those who serve them. CBEM’s four core values are: Excellence: We are professional, innovative, continue to learn, positive, responsive, and creative. Service: We...
-CBEM Company focus on working with clients with unique behavioral attributes. -They are passionate about their job, the clients and their staff -Hybrid work setting before the acquisition by Redwood Family. Not sure whether hybrid setting will continue moving forward -Flexible work schedule -If you are working in the field, chances of growth and advancements happen frequently -50$ stipend for health, gym-focused program -401k -mileage reimbursements ( think its $0.66 for every mile traveled) -There is a sense of hope when clients respond to the support given to them by our teams; therefore, you develop faith in humanityCons
-Underpaid -Chances of pay increase depends and it is small -Field staff could face unique situations that not everyone is mentally prepared for; this you must keep in mind -Lots of driving for critical field specialist. Not always a fan of this. -Not necessarily a con, but an anxiety-based response to the acquisition. So whatever format and policy CBEM has introduced to you recently, it could be subject to change and revised to fit their vision.