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CEO of CesiumAstro
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Shey Sabripour
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CesiumAstro Employee Reviews
Featured review

Fast pace with great engineers

7/28/2023 -
Positive outlook
Approves of CEO


Good work and brilliant engineers. Passionate leadership, growing start-up, with good prospects. CEO understands market and what it takes to run a company in a disciplined and realistic manner, while motivating team. Company is growing and moving in the right direction, hiring more experienced staff to get processes and knowledge needed in place to take company to the next level.


Processes are still not well defined or can be improved, too many meetings due to teams spread out in different locations, benefits are expensive compared to industry, could also provide more vacation or days off
CesiumAstro Awards & Accolades

21 Austin Companies to Watch in 2021, Builtin Austin, 2021