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Deep 6 AI

We care about what we do and why we do it: to improve healthcare. The rest is gravy.

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CEO of Deep 6 AI
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Wout Brusselaers
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Featured review

You can still experience Deep 6 Time

9/13/2022 - QA Engineer at Pasadena, CA
Positive outlook


Even in relation to those with whom I've had tremendous professional disagreement, I've found praiseworthy qualities. I tried to make sure they each knew that I thought so.


There isn't a suitable home for Quality Assurance professionals here. The company has never formed a QA department, so the job is limited to the service of the management structure to which a tester is embedded. We who do that job know about the pressures of Time, Cost, and Quality, and aim to advocate for one of these pressures over the others. To do so effectively requires a degree of independence from those who optimize for the other two principles.