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Gameloft Careers, Benefits, Review

We always prepare for tomorrow today. To allow our fans to play games anywhere, anytime, and on any digital platform, we surround ourselves with exceptionally talented people from across the globe and have built the world’s largest distribution ne...

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27 fans
Gameloft Glassdoor Company Review
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Gameloft DE&I Review
4.1 Glassdoor star iconGlassdoor star iconGlassdoor star iconGlassdoor star icon Glassdoor star icon
CEO of Gameloft
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Stephane Roussel
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Gameloft Employee Reviews
Featured review

Very good

8/4/2023 - Assistant Manager at Columbia, SC
Positive outlook
Approves of CEO


Vrey Good for freshers, way to go


Nothing as of now, Great going
Gameloft awards & accolades

Best Publisher 2006-2016, PocketGamer, 2016 Android Game of the Year, PocketGamer, 2014