Gloo's mission is to release globally the passion in every person to champion the growth of another… so they can be all they were born to be.
It is hard to find a "good" job, it's even harder to find a good company. Gloo is a good company. Gloo has the highest concentration of incredibly intelligent, friendly, and collaborative people that I've had the pleasure to work with. Work-life balance is of the utmost importance to me, and it is also highly important to Gloo as an organization. There are endless opportunities to advance yourself and your career with Gloo -- I have had the opportunity to expand my knowledge wherever I wanted to during my tenure with full support of my manager. I cannot overstate how much I loved working for Gloo.Cons
I don't think there are any companies in 2023 that don't share the same general cons, so I don't feel it necessary to list any here. The fact of the matter is, you must find a company that makes it worthwhile to deal with these cons. The people that comprise Gloo absolutely make it worthwhile.