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HomeLight Careers, Benefits, Review

We empower people to achieve better outcomes during one of life's most important events: buying or selling their home. Our vision is a world where every real estate transaction is simple, certain, and satisfying for all.

Website Globe icon www.homelight.com

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26 fans
HomeLight Glassdoor Company Review
3.7 Glassdoor star iconGlassdoor star iconGlassdoor star icon Glassdoor star icon Glassdoor star icon
HomeLight DE&I Review
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CEO of HomeLight
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Drew Uher
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HomeLight Employee Reviews
Featured review

Future of Real Estate

3/21/2024 - Escrow Officer
Positive outlook
Approves of CEO


This company gives me the tools I have been begging for as an Escrow Officer, finally. Watch this real estate tech company go Fortune 500. Real Estate Agents, Sellers and Buyers want the freedom to do everything online with easy and fast communication. Management and the whole team is upbeat, positive, and ready to work. I wish I had another career life to put into this company.


I have to be adaptable and open to doing things differently from jobs in other companies. Could be considered a con.
HomeLight Awards & Accolades

BIG Innovation Awards, Business Intelligence Group, 2019 Best Places to Work, Inc. Magazine, 2019