iManage is dedicated to Making Knowledge Work. Over one million professionals across 65+ countries rely on our intelligent, cloud-enabled, secure knowledge work platform to uncover and activate the knowledge that exists inside their business cont...
- interesting and challenging problems - great work cultureCons
- things can move pretty slow sometimesOur DE&I Vision
It’s simple, really.
Our ability to innovate and lead the industry is fueled by diverse thought and experience. Our employees excel when their unique perspectives are valued and sought out with intention. We want to leverage the collective intelligence of everyone. Our larger community will flourish as we create positive change, investing in and working towards equity for all. And so we continue our journey to ensure iManage is a place we all feel safe and comfortable to be ourselves. We do this work because it’s the right thing to do. And we recognize that the work is challenging, and to have a meaningful impact will take time.
We are committed to the following focus areas that will inform our decisions, guide our actions, and enable us to invest in the most impactful programs and initiatives to drive the change we seek:
Inspired by the open dialogue around race and identity in 2020, groups of employees from underrepresented communities organically came together to form our first iMpact Communities (the iManage name for Employee Resource Groups).
Our 4 current iMPact Communities include:
Our iMpact Communities are driving change, education, and celebration from a grassroots level across 3 key areas: Social, Company, and Community.
Built In Best Places to work San Francisco, Built In, 2023 Built In Best Places to work Chicago, Built In, 2023