- Complex and challenging business domain - Self-Sovereign Identity applied to legal-tech makes for a unique technological challenge - Access to the best possible tools and solutions on the market to speed up delivery - Highly qualified team of professionals in the various domains (Backend, Frontend, DevOps, Security, Architect roles) - this translates to not having do everything, you only need to focus on your own role. We have "DevOps Engineer" for DevOps, "Backend Engineer" for Backend, this allows colleagues to concentrate on their specific areas of expertise - Open and supportive culture - everybody is willing to admit when they make mistakes and encourage growth and learning - C-levels report to the whole company in a town-hall meeting every 2 weeks. All these meetings are recorded and collected in an archive since we began this practise two years ago. All changes and choices are traceable over time, so there is full accountability. - Fully remote workplace - The team's expectations for skill and experience is constantly rising, if somebody works here - he is a professionalCons
- Fully remote workplace - for some people, this is a huge challenge. Because of this, there's no day-to-day oversight, or a supervisor to ask what you've been working on. Because of that, personal time-management could be tough - A high level of flexibility is demanded. Everybody in the company is learning, and it could be tough for people who are looking for a stable and predictable flow of tasks. - Open communication is a key advantage in most cases, but this means if an individual isn't committed to communication, problems can take too long to catch