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Vox Media, LLC Careers, Benefits, Review

Founded in 2008, Vox Media is a private media company that designs and manages the content and editorial for multiple branded websites such as SBNation.com, TheVerge.com, Polygon.com, Vox.com, Eater.com, Racked.com, and Curbed.com. The company's b...

Website Globe icon voxmedia.com

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26 fans
Vox Media, LLC Glassdoor Company Review
4.2 Glassdoor star iconGlassdoor star iconGlassdoor star iconGlassdoor star icon Glassdoor star icon
Vox Media, LLC DE&I Review
No rating Glassdoor star iconGlassdoor star iconGlassdoor star iconGlassdoor star iconGlassdoor star icon
CEO of Vox Media, LLC
Vox Media, LLC CEO photo
Jim Bankoff
Approve of CEO