Install and upgrade the db2 udb software on aix which ranges from setting up environments on the development, test and production layers. Database creation and security setup in udb ee and database upgrade and fix pack implementations. Table and index design in ee for optimal performance. Monitor maintenance jobs for the database such as reorg, runstats, backup, recovery scripts, analyze production failures and slow performance by db2 diagnosis tool such as db2top, db2pd and snapshots. Optimize sql queries and analyze database performance issues. Perform administration tasks such as database backup and restoration, monitoring database health in terms of memory, cpu utilization, disk space, and security. Handle database refreshes and respond to the db related requests and updates of operational procedure documents as necessary.
Perform administration tasks such as database backup and restoration, monitoring database health in terms of memory, cpu utilization, disk space, and security.masters with engg(any) with 6 months of experience in the related field is required. Should be willing to travel and relocate to implement the it projects. Send resumes to Attn: President, Key Business Solutions, Inc, 4738 Duckhorn drive, Sacramento, CA-95834.
Please send your resume to:
Mail: 4738 Duckhorn Dr, Sacramento, CA 95834.
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