I’ve always likened myself to being a super organized person. So, if you have me multitasking on tight deadlines, that’s not a problem. It actually excites me!
Growing my last company’s blog subscriber list and social media revenues.
aliviamassimillo.com My name's Alivia Massimillo, and I'm a Content Marketer. I'm sure you've met hundreds of people with my title and you either: a) still have no clue what we do or b) don't really get what the benefit of someone like me for your business is. Luckily, I'm a pro at explaining things, so here's a quick rundown: As a content marketer I write, I strategize, and most importantly, I create. I launched myself into the world of content marketing 6 years ago when I landed my first full-time job at a fashion label while still in college; Here, I acted as the in-house copywriter/social media guru. I fell in love with the line of work and haven't stopped since. While some content marketers will simply work for you, I work with you. I believe in being a team, and I'll never force you to do things you aren't 100% comfortable with. I also don't have one area of specialty, which is common for content marketers. I've been lucky enough to work in hospitality, home decor, wellness, and fashion. That means whatever your business is, I can work to make it better. I approach any new project the same, with passion and determination. I'm a perfectionist which means I won't ever deliver a project late, be unavailable for a call, raise my nose to feedback, or give you something sub-par. Are you ready to work together? Let's do this!