1.Get sh*t done mentality: You can have the best strategy in the world, but without execution what do you have? I can make decisions, clear roadblocks and motivate myself as well as teammates to work toward our North Star goal. I hone in on what’s important and cut out the noise and clutter. I think ahead to roadblocks we don’t even see yet and try to get ahead of those too. 2.Comfortable with risks:
As the Chief of Staff for the Marketing & Communications team at AOL at the time of the Yahoo acquisition, I oversaw the merger of our two teams as well as the launch of our new brand, Oath. Our team had to come together quickly, build trust and then bring this brand to market. Two very different team personalities and working styles coming together during one very stressful period in both companies’ histories was an especially trying time. I led the process of putting the right people in the right positions, then programming meetings and an offsite to get us gelling. We invested in our people first and the work became easier. We launched the brand to employees in successful global celebrations, to our clients in a media campaign during Adweek and to our consumers leading with our portfolio of brands. I’m proud of the work we did and how we did it.