I have almost been with the company for over a year and have had such an amazing experience. Time flew by and I continue to learn something new every day. The team is very helpful and more than supportive. I did not have any prior recruiting experience but made it a priority to spend time learning from the best. It took a few months to grow in commission, but It paid off. Recruiting is not an easy industry, resilience is key! The ups and downs are totally worth it. Supportive people, great mindset, tons to learn and opportunity for growth. After interviewing with multiple staffing agencies, I felt as if Astrix was the best fit and meant to be. Work life balance depends on your input. Get to a steady point, maintain, and build. Room for growth, Supportive team and uncapped potential to make moneyCons
Starting off with little to no experience can be overwhelming. However the team is more than supportive and will always answer your questions. There is an interactive training program to learn from the best. This includes real time videos from top recruiters, managers and even the CEO.