People above all. That’s just how we operate. There’s an unbreakable chemistry between us. And when we grow our business, we choose to work with those who value culture as much as we do. Our entrepreneurial spirit has never wavered. It’s why our c...
Very personal touch with employees!Cons
Contract Changeover is fairly common but that is the norm.Voices of Inclusion, Change & Equity
In continuation of ERC’s bold traditions, we decided to take an even stronger stance on continuing to encourage expansive acceptance, growth, and opportunities for our employees regardless of race, gender, religion, age, sexual identity, and all other unique identifiers by establishing a Diversity & Inclusion Council.
The Mission of the V.O.I.C.E. Council is to conceptually re-engineer ‘Diversity & Inclusion’ by becoming the living embodiment representing Voices of Change, Inclusion, & Equity on behalf of ERC’s workforce and the communities served. Creating a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable atmosphere to increase employee satisfaction, productivity, and ultimately our client base.
Excellence in Worksite Wellness, First Coast Worksite Wellness Council (FCWWC), 2020 2020 Best Places to Work in Collections, InsideARM, 2020