More than 70,000 tax professionals nationwide use Drake. This year, Drake has processed nearly 39 million federal and state returns.
Drake Software provides a healthy and safe work environment. They value strong work ethic and dedication. I have served in several capacities and find the work challenging, fast-paced, and engaging. My supervisors have always been patient and understanding. Drake Software fosters a collaborative work environment of innovative thinkers that can move the company forward to expand its growth. They offer flexible work schedules and work-from-home options. They encourage and motivate employee community engagement through various internal programs including fundraising, advocacy, contests, festivities, and so much more to create a fun, meaningful and rewarding work experience. Drake Software as a corporation exhibits a high level of professionalism and integrity yet endeavors to create work-life balance in a caring, family atmosphere.Cons
Growing pains if you consider that a con.