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2D Designer - konštruktér pre automotive zákazníka - senior (m/ž) image - Rise Careers
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2D Designer - konštruktér pre automotive zákazníka - senior (m/ž)

Popis spoločnosti

Spoločnosť LEONI je globálnym poskytovateľom produktov, riešení a služieb pre správu energie a dát v automobilovom priemysle. Skupina spoločností zamestnáva približne 95 000 ľudí v 26 krajinách a v roku 2023 dosiahla konsolidované tržby vo výške 5,5 miliardy EUR.

Hodnotový reťazec zahŕňa od štandardizovaných káblov a špeciálnych a dátových káblov až po vysoko komplexné elektroinštalačné systémy a súvisiace komponenty, od vývoja až po výrobu. Ako inovačný partner s výraznými odbornými znalosťami v oblasti vývoja a systémov podporujeme našich zákazníkov na ceste k čoraz udržateľnejším a prepojeným konceptom mobility od autonómneho riadenia až po alternatívne pohony, ako aj nabíjacie systémy. 

Popis pracovnej ponuky

  • komunikácia a hľadanie riešení s tímom kolegov pre automotive zákazníka,
  • pravidelná komunikácia so zákazníkom,
  • zodpovednosť za konkrétne úlohy v rámci D&D oddelenia a zabezpečenie súladu s normami a špecifikáciami od zákazníka a LEONI,
  • návrh konceptov a tvorba káblových zväzkov do automobilov pre zákazníka (dizajn v CAD programe),
  • návrh konceptov a tvorba elektrických schém zapojenia vozidiel pre zákazníka (dizajn v CAD programe),
  • Kontrola a validácia technickej dokumentácie a vytváranie a úpravy technických výkresov,
  • práca v projektovom tíme s medzinárodnou účasťou,
  • možnosť vycestovania priamo ku zákazníkovi za účelom lepšie spoznať/vyriešiť daný problém.


  • SŠ alebo VŠ technického smeru,
  • anglický alebo nemecký jazyk na komunikatívnej úrovni,
  • znalosť MS Office,
  • technické myslenie, zodpovednosť, zmysel pre detail, presnosť,
  • Schopnosť pracovať samostatne aj v tíme, flexibilita,
  • pracovná skúsenosť s CAD programom,
  • prax min. 2 roky.

Dodatočné informácie

  • 37,5 hodinový pracovný týždeň,
  • Flexibilný pracovný čas,
  • Home Office podľa interných pravidiel,
  • 13-ty plat pri plnení dohodnutých cieľov,
  • 4% príspevok do DDS,
  • 4 dni mimoriadne voľna (tzv. sick days),
  • Možnosť pracovať v medzinárodnom tíme,
  • Stravovanie v reštaurácií za zvýhodnenú cenu jedla,
  • Osobný rozvoj na odborných a jazykových zručnostiach s možnosťou využitia High-Tech technológií,
  • Pestré benefity v rámci spolupráce v systéme Cafeteria Edenred (stravovanie, rekreačné aktivity),
  • Maximálna podpora pri nových zlepšovacích myšlienkach a nápadoch (finančné ocenenie),
  • Odmeny pri rôznych jubileách (pracovné výročie, darovanie krvi, uzavretie manželstva, ...),
  • Firemné akcie (Hurá prázdniny, podpora teambuildingov, family day, ...).


Základná zložka mzdy: od 1600 EUR brutto / mesiac + 13.ty plat.  Finálna výška mzdy bude navrhnutá individuálne podľa skúseností kandidáta.



Na všetky osoby sa prihliada rovnocenne, bez rozdielu pohlavia. Pre zjednodušenie jazyka a lepšiu čitateľnosť sa v texte používa len mužský rod.
LEONI spracúva vaše údaje z prihlášky v IT systéme, ktorý je jednotný v rámci celej spoločnosti a využíva zahraničných poskytovateľov služieb. Odoslaním prihlášky vyjadrujete súhlas  s týmto postupom. LEONI zaručuje dodržiavanie ochrany osobných údajov.

LEONI Wiring Systems Slovakia, spol. s r.o.

LEONI Glassdoor Company Review
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Aldo Kamper
Approve of CEO

Average salary estimate

$19200 / YEARLY (est.)

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What You Should Know About 2D Designer - konštruktér pre automotive zákazníka - senior (m/ž), LEONI

Are you an experienced 2D Designer ready to make your mark in the automotive industry? Join LEONI, a leading global provider of products, solutions, and services in energy management and data for automotive applications. As a Senior 2D Designer, you'll collaborate closely with your team to create innovative concepts, tackling automotive challenges with cutting-edge CAD design software. Your expertise will not only involve designing cable harnesses and electrical schematics but also ensuring adherence to our standards and customer specifications. This role offers a wonderful mix of independent work and team collaboration, giving you the opportunity to travel directly to our automotive customers to understand their needs better. We value technical thinking and precision, and we're looking for someone with strong CAD experience and at least two years in the field. If you’re flexible and eager to contribute your creativity to a variety of international projects, LEONI is the right place for you! With a competitive salary starting at 1600 EUR/month, flexible hours, and various employee benefits including personal development opportunities, you’ll find a workplace that truly supports your career growth. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of a passionate team pushing the boundaries of mobility solutions!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for 2D Designer - konštruktér pre automotive zákazníka - senior (m/ž) Role at LEONI
What are the responsibilities of a 2D Designer at LEONI?

As a 2D Designer at LEONI, your primary responsibilities will include collaborating with a team to design automotive solutions, maintaining regular communication with clients, and ensuring compliance with specifications. You'll also create and validate technical documentation and engage in international project teams, providing a balance of creativity and technical precision.

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What qualifications are necessary to become a Senior 2D Designer at LEONI?

To thrive as a Senior 2D Designer at LEONI, you’ll need a technical degree (SŠ or VŠ), strong CAD proficiency, and at least two years of relevant experience. Communication skills in English or German are essential, along with a detail-oriented approach, flexibility, and the ability to work both independently and in a team.

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What benefits does LEONI offer to its 2D Designers?

LEONI offers a range of attractive benefits for its 2D Designers including a flexible working schedule, the possibility of home office, and a 13th salary if goals are met. Additionally, employees enjoy personal development opportunities, sick days, and a supportive work culture that values creative ideas and initiatives.

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How does the 2D Designer role contribute to LEONI's projects?

The role of a 2D Designer at LEONI is crucial in developing advanced mobility solutions. By designing cable harnesses and electrical schematics, you ensure high-quality engineering standards while actively contributing to projects that push technologies in automotive applications. This hands-on approach allows you to directly impact our innovation in a connected and sustainable future.

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What does the work environment look like for a Senior 2D Designer at LEONI?

At LEONI, the work environment for a Senior 2D Designer is collaborative and dynamic. You will work in international teams, often tackling innovative projects that require a mix of technical design skills and creative problem-solving. This role also offers the opportunity to travel to customer locations, making the work experience diverse and engaging.

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Common Interview Questions for 2D Designer - konštruktér pre automotive zákazníka - senior (m/ž)
Can you describe your experience with CAD software as a 2D Designer?

When answering this question, emphasize specific projects where you utilized CAD software in designing cable harnesses or electrical schematics. Illustrate your proficiency with various CAD tools and how your designs contributed to project success.

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How do you ensure compliance with project specifications in your designs?

Share your methods for verifying standards and specifications, perhaps by discussing how you communicate regularly with team members and clients to maintain clarity and ensure all designs meet required regulations.

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What strategies do you use for effective teamwork on international projects?

Discuss the importance of clear communication and collaboration in multicultural teams. Mention tools or practices you employ to foster teamwork, such as regular meetings and using collaborative design software.

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How do you handle tight deadlines in your design projects?

Provide examples of how you've successfully managed deadlines, perhaps by prioritizing tasks, seeking feedback early on, or breaking designs into manageable segments to ensure timely delivery without compromising quality.

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What do you think are the key trends in automotive design that affect a 2D Designer's work?

Discuss your awareness of trends such as electric vehicle integration, autonomous driving technologies, and sustainability in materials. Relate these trends to how they would influence your design decisions and processes.

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Can you give an example of a design challenge you faced and how you overcame it?

This is your chance to tell a compelling story. Choose a specific challenge, explain the context, and detail the steps you took to resolve it, highlighting any teamwork or innovative solutions that led to a successful outcome.

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How do you approach client communication regarding design updates?

Explain your strategy for maintaining clear and open communication with clients. Discuss methods for presenting updates, gathering feedback, and ensuring that clients feel involved and informed throughout the design process.

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What role does attention to detail play in your design work?

This is an opportunity to express how critical attention to detail is in achieving accurate and functional designs. Share examples of how spotting small issues early has saved time and improved project outcomes.

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Describe a time when you had to adapt to a significant change in a project.

Focus on your adaptability and resilience. Provide an example where a project’s scope or requirements changed unexpectedly, explaining how you adjusted your designs or processes to accommodate these changes successfully.

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What motivates you as a Senior 2D Designer in the automotive field?

In your answer, reflect on your passion for automotive engineering and design. Share what aspects of the industry inspire you, such as technological advancement, creativity, or the impact your work has on mobility solutions.

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