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Product Manager - H/F

Qui sommes-nous chez Pretto ? 💚


L’achat immobilier est l’un des moments les plus importants d’une vie. Mais c’est aussi une Ă©tape stressante et complexe, surtout quand il s’agit de trouver le prĂȘt immobilier qui valide son projet.

Pretto, c’est la fintech qui rend simple, efficace et Ă©quitable la recherche de crĂ©dit immobilier.

Notre secret sauce ?

- Le meilleur simulateur du marché qui permet de savoir en 3 min si on peut acheter, combien et à quel taux,

- Un expert dĂ©diĂ© qui accompagne des premiĂšres recherches de bien jusqu’à la signature et nĂ©gocie pour ses clients auprĂšs des banques,

- Une UX aux petits oignons pour supprimer la paperasse et suivre son projet depuis son canapé.

Le rĂ©sultat : des acheteurs qui obtiennent facilement leur prĂȘt et dĂ©couvrent la joie d’ĂȘtre propriĂ©taire. Et ça, ça n’a pas de prix !

Depuis 2017, Pretto c'est 150 000 clients conseillĂ©s, 1 Milliard € de prĂȘt financĂ©s par an, une note de 4,8/5 sur Trustpilot, 200 collaborateurs entre Paris et Nantes, une rĂ©cente sĂ©rie B de 30 Millions d’€... et ce n'est que le dĂ©but !

4 raisons de nous rejoindre ?

- on a un vrai impact sur la vie de nos clients, c’est pourquoi on met toute notre Ă©nergie et notre exigence pour proposer la meilleure expĂ©rience Ă  tous les niveaux

- nos équipes sont engagées et aux profils trÚs variés, on cultive la collaboration dans une atmosphÚre bienveillante et positive

- on aide chacun Ă  bien grandir avec des rituels de feedback ainsi qu’une formation continue via la Pretto Academy, notre super Ă©cole de vente.

- nous sommes labellisĂ©s B Corp : Pretto s’engage dans une dĂ©marche durable et responsable.

Pour aller plus loin, on vous prĂ©sente sur notre site Inside Pretto tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur Pretto, ce qu’on y fait, pourquoi, comment on y travaille, grandit
 et s’épanouit !

Pourquoi travailler chez Pretto ?

đŸ«š Tu veux t’attaquer Ă  des vrais problĂšmes, mais tu trouves que la boĂźte manque souvent de focus stratĂ©gique ?

Chez Pretto, notre mission est simple : réinventer le crédit immobilier. Nous simplifions et démocratisons cette étape clé de la vie grùce à des outils innovants, centrés sur les besoins réels de nos utilisateurs. AprÚs 8 ans, on reste fidÚles à notre vision, sans changer de cap tous les mois.

⚡Tu vois bien que les LLM sont en train de changer le monde de la tech, et tu veux participer Ă  cette rĂ©volution ?

Chez Pretto, on innove déjà depuis deux ans sur les LLM avec des succÚs concrets : des briques entiÚres de notre produit en sont déjà le fruit !

đŸ€·Tu veux avoir de l’impact, mais tu te retrouves Ă  bosser sur des micro-sujets ?

Chez Pretto, on travaille sur des problÚmes qui transforment directement la vie de nos utilisateurs. Notre process ShapeUp te laisse la place pour explorer des sujets impactants et stratégiques.

🙅Tu passes ton temps Ă  dire “non” aux demandes internes et ça tend tes relations avec les Ă©quipes ?

Ici, le produit est central, mais toujours en collaboration. On inclut les équipes métiers, tech et design dÚs le début des réflexions, et on partage nos choix réguliÚrement à travers des ateliers ou des sessions de co-création.

🎯 Nous rejoindre en tant que Product Manager chez Pretto

En tant que Product Manager confirmĂ© (3-4 ans d'expĂ©rience), ton rĂŽle sera de transformer notre outil en un vĂ©ritable co-pilote pour nos 300 courtiers, en collaboration Ă©troite avec toutes les parties prenantes (DĂ©veloppeurs, Designers, PM, MĂ©tier, etc.). Tu auras un impact direct sur l’évolution de notre plateforme et contribueras Ă  rĂ©inventer la maniĂšre dont les courtiers travaillent et interagissent avec leurs clients et les banques grĂące (entre autres) aux LLM.

Tu rejoindras l’équipe Produit & Tech, composĂ©e de PM, data scientists, dĂ©veloppeurs et designers, et travailleras sur Finspot, notre plateforme dĂ©diĂ©e Ă  la digitalisation du crĂ©dit immobilier.

Celle-ci permet aux courtiers de centraliser leur travail, de l’évaluation instantanĂ©e du projet immobilier Ă  la constitution du dossier, en passant par la recherche des meilleures offres bancaires, la prise de contact rapide avec un conseiller, un assemblage et suivi prĂ©cis du dossier de prĂȘt, etc.

🌟 Tes missions
  • DĂ©velopper et mettre en Ɠuvre une stratĂ©gie produit adaptĂ©e aux technologies avancĂ©es, comme les LLM : Explorer les opportunitĂ©s offertes par l’intelligence artificielle pour transformer notre outil en un assistant intelligent, intuitif et proactif pour les courtiers.
  • Construire des produits de bout en bout en tant que product builder : partir d’une idĂ©e ou d’un problĂšme, travailler avec les utilisateurs pour le comprendre, concevoir des solutions no-code ou low-code impactantes, les maintenir et itĂ©rer pour les amĂ©liorer
  • Penser et lancer des fonctionnalitĂ©s qui ont un vrai impact : Allie la tech et la simplicitĂ© pour rĂ©soudre les vrais problĂšmes des utilisateurs.
  • PrĂ©parer des sujets pour les “batch” de dĂ©veloppement (mĂ©thode Shape Up) et suivre l’avancĂ©e des diffĂ©rents projets (produit B2B, Ă©volution des outils internes, intĂ©gration avec les banques ou d’autres courtiers...) tout en coordonnant les parties prenantes
  • Être la voix des utilisateurs : Collecte leurs retours, priorise les amĂ©liorations et mets en place des A/B tests pour valider les choix.
  • Prouver l’impact : Suis les KPIs et montre que ce qu’on dĂ©veloppe change vraiment la donne.

đŸ‘« Pourquoi ce rĂŽle est fait pour toi ?
  • Formation : DiplĂŽme d’ingĂ©nieur grande Ă©cole ou double-cursus ingĂ©nieur/commerce
  • ExpĂ©rience : 3-4 ans d’expĂ©rience minimum en product management ou expĂ©rience similaire (gestion de projet complexe avec multiples interlocuteurs par exemple) idĂ©alement sur des produits complexes, Ă  forte composante tech ou data. Une expĂ©rience dans la fintech ou des outils B2B est un plus.
  • Tu es trĂšs intĂ©ressĂ©(e) par les LLM et leur application Ă  des cas d’usage concrets. Au mieux, tu as dĂ©jĂ  construit toi mĂȘme des prototypes ⚡
  • Tu fais preuve de qualitĂ© d’écoute et d’empathie importantes
  • Tu es organisĂ©(e), autonome et tu as toujours plein d’idĂ©es pour amĂ©liorer l’existant
  • Tu es animĂ©(e) par les problĂšmes utilisateurs : tu aimes les dĂ©cortiquer et les synthĂ©tiser pour parvenir Ă  crĂ©er la meilleure expĂ©rience UX possible
  • Tu as une appĂ©tence pour des outils no-code / low-code et pour l’automatisation de processus

🎁 Les avantages à travailler chez Pretto :
  • L’opportunitĂ© de travailler en autonomie sur des projets stimulants et innovants, en collaboration avec les autres Ă©quipes et avec un degrĂ© Ă©levĂ© de responsabilitĂ©
  • L’occasion de rejoindre une startup qui a tout (les clients, la donnĂ©e, la tech) pour capitaliser sur la rĂ©volution des LLM
  • Une Ă©quipe bienveillante qui a Ă  cƓur de partager sa connaissance et son expĂ©rience (tu auras par exemple un parrain ou marraine rĂ©fĂ©rent(e) pour te permettre de t’intĂ©grer et de t’épanouir chez Pretto)
  • Des bureaux uniques au coeur du 10Ăšme arrondissement avec la possibilitĂ© de tĂ©lĂ©-travailler
  • Une carte Swile (prise en charge Ă  50% par Pretto)
  • Gymlib !
  • Des Ă©vĂ©nements rĂ©guliers (afterworks, dĂ©jeuner d’équipe, soirĂ©e mensuelle, sport, 

đŸ€ Notre processus de recrutement
  • Premier appel de 15 min (RH)
  • Entretien avec Aude (Lead Product) ou Anatole (Product Manager) + une autre personne de l’équipe (engineering manager, dĂ©veloppeur ou designer)
  • Cas pratique live
  • Entretien avec Renaud, CPO et co-founder

Nous nous engageons pour l'égalité d'accÚs à l'emploi, l'inclusion et la diversité au sein des équipes.

Pretto Glassdoor Company Review
3.8 Glassdoor star iconGlassdoor star iconGlassdoor star icon Glassdoor star icon Glassdoor star icon
Pretto DE&I Review
3.9 Glassdoor star iconGlassdoor star iconGlassdoor star icon Glassdoor star icon Glassdoor star icon
CEO of Pretto
Pretto CEO photo
Pierre Chapon and Renaud Pestre
Approve of CEO

Average salary estimate

$70000 / YEARLY (est.)

If an employer mentions a salary or salary range on their job, we display it as an "Employer Estimate". If a job has no salary data, Rise displays an estimate if available.

What You Should Know About Product Manager - H/F, Pretto

Hey there! Are you ready to take on an exciting challenge as a Product Manager at Pretto in the vibrant city of Paris? At Pretto, we are on a mission to simplify the complex world of real estate financing, making it a smoother experience for our clients. As our Product Manager, your role will be pivotal in transforming our platform into an indispensable assistant for our network of brokers. Imagine collaborating closely with developers, designers, and other stakeholders to reshuffle how brokers connect with clients and banks. Your experience and fresh ideas will help us leverage cutting-edge technologies, including LLM, to revolutionize our services. With your background in product management—ideally, three to four years in a similar role—you'll be tasked with developing a product strategy that embraces the ever-evolving tech landscape. Be prepared to engage in user feedback sessions, drive the prioritized enhancements, and proof the impact of our innovations by meticulously tracking KPIs. This is not just a typical job; it’s an opportunity to have a meaningful impact on our users' lives. If you have a strong empathetic approach towards users, a knack for organizing projects, and an eagerness to dig deep into user problems to create unmatched UX, then Pretto is where you belong. Join our inclusive and innovative team, immerse yourself in our culture of continuous learning through the Pretto Academy, and make a real difference in the world of fintech. Let's redefine home ownership together!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Product Manager - H/F Role at Pretto
What responsibilities does a Product Manager at Pretto in Paris have?

As a Product Manager at Pretto, you'll play a crucial role in reshaping our platform to enhance the experience for brokers. Your key responsibilities include developing product strategies that incorporate advanced technologies, designing impactful no-code or low-code solutions, and ensuring that the voice of users is heard in the development process. You'll collaborate with diverse teams to coordinate efforts and oversee the progress of various projects.

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What qualifications are required for the Product Manager position at Pretto?

To thrive in the Product Manager role at Pretto, you'll need a degree from an engineering school or a dual degree in engineering and business. Additionally, possessing 3-4 years of experience in product management or related fields dealing with complex projects is essential. Previous exposure to fintech or B2B services will be a significant advantage.

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How does Pretto support continuous learning for Product Managers?

At Pretto, we believe in nurturing talent, and that’s why we have the Pretto Academy. This internal training program focuses on ongoing skill development and provides numerous opportunities for feedback and growth. As a Product Manager, you’ll have access to resources and mentorship that will aid in both your professional and personal development.

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What makes working as a Product Manager at Pretto rewarding?

Working as a Product Manager at Pretto means having a direct impact on the lives of our users. You’ll be addressing real problems while collaborating with passionate teammates in a supportive environment. The dynamic nature of working on innovative tech and the chance to work with cutting-edge AI tools means your contributions will genuinely make a difference in transforming our services and enhancing user experience.

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What are the key technologies used by Product Managers at Pretto?

At Pretto, product management heavily involves leveraging advanced technologies, particularly LLM and automation tools like no-code and low-code platforms. As a Product Manager, you will explore ways to integrate these technologies into our existing platforms to create smarter, more user-friendly solutions tailored to the needs of brokers and clients alike.

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Common Interview Questions for Product Manager - H/F
How do you prioritize product features when developing a new product?

When prioritizing product features, I start by gathering user needs through interviews and feedback. Once I have that data, I evaluate each feature based on its impact on user experience and business goals. I also consider dependencies between features, leveraging methods like the MoSCoW prioritization to help ensure that we focus on what brings the most value first.

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Can you describe a time when you had to collaborate with cross-functional teams?

Absolutely! In my previous role, we were launching a complex product that required close collaboration with engineering, design, and marketing teams. I set up regular check-ins to ensure everyone was aligned on our goals, facilitated workshops for brainstorming, and used project management tools to keep track of our progress. This approach fostered transparency and maximized our effectiveness in launching the product successfully.

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What excites you about the potential of LLM in product management?

The enormous potential of LLM in product management excites me because it allows us to harness AI in creating personalized user experiences. I've always been intrigued by how technology can enhance decision-making processes, and with LLM, we can provide insights that were previously unattainable, transforming how users interact with our products.

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How do you ensure you are meeting user needs throughout the product lifecycle?

To ensure we meet user needs throughout the product lifecycle, I advocate for frequent user testing and feedback loops. Conducting A/B tests allows us to validate concepts before full-scale launches, and we iterate based on the feedback collected. Keeping communication open with users helps us to adapt quickly to changes in their needs.

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Describe how you approach problem-solving in product management.

My approach to problem-solving in product management involves methodically identifying the root cause of an issue, brainstorming potential solutions, and then evaluating those solutions against user needs and business goals. By involving stakeholders in the process, we can evaluate impacts from multiple perspectives and arrive at the best course of action collaboratively.

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How do you track the success of a product after launch?

After a product launch, I track its success using key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned with our initial objectives. This will include metrics like user adoption rates, engagement levels, and customer feedback scores. Continuous monitoring enables us to validate our product decisions and make necessary adjustments quickly.

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What techniques do you use for agile project management?

In agile project management, I utilize techniques like Scrum and Kanban. Regular sprints help us stay focused on deliverables, while daily stand-ups keep the team synchronized. Tentative planning and flexibility are crucial for adapting to new insights from user feedback or testing outcomes.

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Can you provide an example of a successful product you managed from conception to launch?

Certainly! I managed a product aimed at streamlining the onboarding process for users. From conception through extensive market research and user interviews, we identified pain points and iterated on solutions. After development, we conducted beta testing, refined based on feedback, and ultimately launched to rave reviews and improved retention rates.

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What indicators do you consider essential for user experience research?

Essential indicators for user experience research include user satisfaction scores, Net Promoter Score (NPS), task success rates, and time on task. Analyzing these metrics provides insights into how users perceive and interact with the product, guiding improvements to enhance overall user experience.

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How do you engage a stakeholder who is resistant to your product vision?

Engaging a resistant stakeholder requires active listening and empathizing with their concerns. I would outline the rationale behind my product vision, supported by data and user feedback. Establishing common ground and addressing their concerns collaboratively can transform resistance into alignment on shared goals.

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