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International Sales Manager - Italy

International Sales Manager - Italy (m/w/d) 

Vollzeit | Deutschland (remote) 


Über Everfield 

Everfield ist auf den Erwerb, die Entwicklung und den Ausbau von europäischen Software-Unternehmen in unterschiedlichen Märkten spezialisiert. Wir stellen unseren Unternehmen jegliche strategischen Ressourcen zur Verfügung, die sie benötigen, um auf die nächste Wachstumsstufe zu gelangen. Unsere Mission ist es, ambitionierte Visionen zu verwirklichen, nachhaltiges Wachstum zu fördern und neue Chancen im europäischen Software-Ökosystem zu erschließen. 

Die Unternehmen im Everfield-Ökosystem bewahren ihre Teams, Marken und Standorte, um sich gezielt auf ihre Kernkompetenzen zu konzentrieren: die Entwicklung innovativer Produkte und die umfassende Betreuung ihrer Kunden. Everfield bietet dabei gezielte Unterstützung in den Bereichen Personalgewinnung und HR sowie Zugang zu einem Expertenteam, das auf den Aufbau und das Wachstum europäischer B2B-SaaS-Unternehmen spezialisiert ist und in finanziellen sowie operativen Belangen berät. Seit der Gründung im Jahr 2022 ist Everfield in 7 Ländern präsent – und wächst stetig weiter. 

Über SoCom

SoCom Informationssyteme, ist Teil des Everfield-Ökosystems, und ist führend in der Bereitstellung innovativer Softwarelösungen für die Wäschereibranche. Unsere ERP-Software und die damit verbundenen App- und Web-Lösungen revolutionieren den Textilservice, indem sie eine vollständig digitale, ressourceneffiziente und nachhaltige Produktion und Logistik ermöglichen. Mit mehr als 350 Kunden in 18 Ländern sind wir stolz darauf, der Marktführer im deutschsprachigen Raum zu sein. 

SoCom Informationssyteme gehört seit 2023 zu Everfield. Der Standort von SoCom befindet sich in Krumbach, nahe Augsburg. 

Als Teil unseres Sales-Teams sprichst Du mit unseren Kunden in Italien und Deutschland über den Mehrwert unserer Lösungen für die Textilservicebranche, nicht nur über Funktionen. Als International Sales Manager (m/w/d) trägst Du durch die Akquise und Betreuung von Kunden der Wäscherei- und Textilservicebranche maßgeblich dazu bei, unser Unternehmen weiter voranzubringen. 

Deine Aufgaben: 

  • Kundenakquise und Aufbau von Geschäftsbeziehungen: Identifikation und Akquise von Neukunden mit Fokus auf Italien und die DACH-Region. 

  • Vertriebsbetreuung über den gesamten Sales-Lebenszyklus: Von der Erstansprache über die Angebotserstellung bis hin zum Closing betreust du den Kunden und sorgst für eine positive Customer Experience. 

  • Angebots- und Vertragsverhandlungen: Verantwortung für die Verhandlungen, stets mit einem Auge auf Kundenbedürfnisse und Unternehmensziele. 

  • Markt- und Wettbewerbsanalysen: Beobachtung und Analyse der Markt- und Wettbewerbssituation, um Vertriebsmöglichkeiten strategisch zu nutzen. 

  • Cross-funktionale Zusammenarbeit: Enge Zusammenarbeit mit den Abteilungen Marketing, Produktentwicklung und Support, um maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu bieten. 

Wen wir suchen: 

  • Berufserfahrung: Erste Vertriebserfahrung oder Erfahrung in der Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden, idealerweise im Software-Bereich oder in der Wäscherei- und Textilservicebranche. 

  • IT-Kenntnisse und Affinität: Erfahrung mit ERP-Systemen und eine hohe IT-Affinität sind wünschenswert. 

  • Sprachkenntnisse: Verhandlungssichere Italienisch- und Deutschkenntnisse, sowie fließende Englischkenntnisse. 

  • Soft Skills: Ausgeprägte Kommunikationsfähigkeiten, Empathie und ein sicheres Gespür für Kundenbedürfnisse. 

Was wir bieten: 

  • Profitiere aus dem Everfield-Ökosystem, indem Du Dich mit erfahrenen Sales Experten austauschen kannst und von ihnen lernst 

  • Flexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung und 100% remote 

  • Ein attraktives Gehaltspaket mit performancebezogener Vergütung 

  • Ein kollegiales Umfeld und regelmäßige Firmenevents 



Hier erfährst Du, was Dich erwartet und mit wem Du während des Bewerbungsprozesses sprechen wirst. 

  • Erstes Gespräch mit Talent Acquisition Lead, Maria (0.5 h)

  • Zweites Interview mit Head of Sales, Cosimo (1.0 h)

  • Drittes Interview mit Cosimo und CEO, Michael (1.0 h)

Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung! 

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What You Should Know About International Sales Manager - Italy, Everfield

If you're eager to take on an exciting role as an International Sales Manager for Italy at Everfield, you're in for an adventure! Everfield specializes in acquiring and expanding European software companies, aiming to foster sustainable growth and seize new opportunities in the software ecosystem. As part of the dynamic team at SoCom Informationssysteme, recognized for revolutionary ERP solutions in the textile service industry, you will actively engage with clients not just in Italy but also across the DACH region. This role is all about creating meaningful business relationships and providing real value to our customers through specialized solutions. In your daily routine, you'll identify and acquire new customers, manage the complete sales lifecycle, and negotiate contracts while keeping an eye on our clients' needs and your company's goals. Market analysis is also a big part of your responsibilities; you'll keep track of trends and competition to identify new sales opportunities. We’re looking for someone with a solid sales background—especially in software or textile services—who speaks fluent Italian, German, and English. You should have strong communication skills, empathy, and an excellent instinct for customer needs. Enjoy the benefits of being part of the Everfield ecosystem, with flexible working hours, a competitive salary, and a collegial environment where collaboration and regular events are part of the culture. If you're ready to step into your next big opportunity, we can’t wait to meet you!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for International Sales Manager - Italy Role at Everfield
What are the key responsibilities of an International Sales Manager at Everfield?

As an International Sales Manager at Everfield, your key responsibilities will include identifying and acquiring new customers in Italy and the DACH region, managing the entire sales lifecycle from initial outreach to contract negotiations, and collaborating cross-functionally with marketing and product development teams. You will also perform market and competitive analyses to strategically capitalize on sales opportunities in the textile service industry.

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What qualifications do I need to apply for the International Sales Manager position at Everfield?

To qualify for the International Sales Manager role at Everfield, you should have prior sales experience or experience in customer interactions, especially in the software sector or textile service industry. Proficiency in ERP systems, fluent Italian and German language skills, and strong English communication skills are also essential. Demonstrated soft skills such as empathy and strong customer instinct are highly valued.

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What benefits are offered to International Sales Managers at Everfield?

International Sales Managers at Everfield enjoy flexible working hours with the option to work 100% remotely, a competitive salary package that includes performance-based compensation, and the advantage of being part of a collegial environment filled with learning opportunities from experienced sales professionals. Regular company events also contribute to a vibrant workplace culture.

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What does the sales lifecycle look like for the International Sales Manager role at Everfield?

The sales lifecycle for the International Sales Manager at Everfield begins with identifying potential clients and initiating contact, followed by nurturing these leads through personalized communications, conducting meetings, and presenting tailored solutions. After crafting proposals, you'll handle negotiations and aim to close deals while ensuring a positive customer experience throughout the process.

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How does the International Sales Manager at Everfield collaborate with other departments?

In the role of International Sales Manager at Everfield, you will closely collaborate with various departments such as marketing, product development, and customer support. This cross-functional teamwork allows you to deliver customized solutions that meet client needs and improve the overall customer experience, strengthening Everfield's commitment to its partners.

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What kind of training and development does Everfield provide for its sales team?

Everfield is committed to the growth and development of its sales team. As an International Sales Manager, you will have access to mentorship from seasoned sales professionals, training programs, and opportunities to exchange knowledge within the Everfield ecosystem, ensuring that you’re always equipped with the latest skills and strategies to excel in your role.

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What challenges might an International Sales Manager at Everfield face?

An International Sales Manager at Everfield may face challenges such as navigating the competitive landscape within the textile service industry, adapting to varying cultural communication styles when working with international clients, and meeting sales targets in an ever-evolving market. However, with the right strategies and team support, these challenges can be turned into growth opportunities.

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Common Interview Questions for International Sales Manager - Italy
Can you describe your previous experience in sales within the software or textile service industry?

In your response, highlight specific roles and responsibilities that demonstrate your sales skills and any notable achievements. Discuss how your experiences align with the needs of the International Sales Manager position at Everfield, emphasizing your familiarity with ERP systems or understanding of customer needs in these sectors.

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How would you approach acquiring new clients in the Italian market?

Talk about your strategies for identifying potential clients, such as using market research and networking. Explain how you would engage with these clients, personalize your approach to cater to their specific needs, and effectively communicate the value of Everfield's solutions to them.

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What techniques do you use to maintain positive customer relationships throughout the sales lifecycle?

Discuss how you prioritize communication and follow-ups with clients, actively seek feedback, and adapt your approach based on client interactions. Emphasize the importance of understanding customer pain points and demonstrating consistent support throughout their journey with your company.

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How do you balance meeting company goals with customer needs?

Explain your methodology for setting achievable objectives that align with both business targets and client satisfaction. Discuss how you use customer feedback to guide your sales practices, ensuring a win-win situation for both Everfield and its clients.

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What role does market and competitive analysis play in your sales strategy?

Describe how you leverage market and competitive insights to identify opportunities and craft effective sales propositions. Provide examples of how you have successfully adapted your sales tactics based on your analysis.

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Can you provide an example of a challenging negotiation you successfully handled?

Share a story where you faced a tough negotiation, focusing on your approach, tactics, and the outcome. Highlight how your negotiation benefited the client while also addressing company interests, ensuring a balanced approach.

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What are your methods for staying informed about industry trends and competitor activities?

Mention your go-to resources for industry news, such as trade publications, webinars, and networking events. Explain how you implement any insights gained into your sales strategy to maintain a competitive edge.

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Describe a time when you exceeded sales targets. What contributed to your success?

Discuss specific targets you surpassed, the strategies you employed, and any collaborative efforts with team members. Emphasize your focus on understanding customer needs and how it drove your success.

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How would you handle a client who is unhappy with your service?

Outline your approach to addressing client concerns through active listening, empathy, and prompt responses. Share an example of how you turned an unhappy client into a satisfied one, showcasing your problem-solving skills.

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What do you believe is the most important quality for a successful sales manager?

Highlight qualities such as strong communication, empathy, resilience, and adaptability. Explain why these traits are vital to building successful client relationships and achieving sales goals at Everfield.

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Full-time, remote
November 29, 2024

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