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Consultancy for Project Final Evaluation Niger Delta Project (CRIN-VIN)

Consultancy Terms of Reference for Project Final Evaluation

A Community-Centered Approach to Transforming Criminality and Violence in the Niger Delta Project (CRIN-VIN)


Search for Common Ground

Search is an international conflict transformation Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) that aims to transform the way individuals, groups, governments, and companies deal with conflict, away from adversarial approaches and towards collaborative solutions. Headquartered in Washington DC, USA, and Brussels, Belgium, with 52 field offices in over 30 countries including Nigeria, Search designs and implements multifaceted, culturally appropriate, and conflict-sensitive programs using a diverse range of tools, including media and training, to promote dialogue, increase knowledge and determine a positive shift in behaviors. Search is seeking a consultant to conduct a project final  evaluation to determine gender disaggregated information for measuring outcome indicators of our project covering 33 LGAs and 3 states of Bayelsa, Delta, and Rivers in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Additionally, the consultant will do a socio-economic cum political, and environmental analysis of factors that drive criminality relating to bunkering in the region and the needs of community members, especially youths in the target states that will inform intervention actions. .  

The Project 

Oil bunkering and artisanal oil refining have profound implications on security and stability in the Niger Delta, and cannot be divorced from broader questions of socio-economic inequalities and social exclusion in the region. The practices are associated with environmental degradation in nearby communities, including reductions in water, air, and soil quality, which in turn negatively affect livelihoods for farmers and fishers. Consequently, the presence of artisanal refining camps across Bayelsa, Rivers, and Delta States has led to the increasing militarization of the area as cult gangs, pirates, the police, military, and community vigilante groups compete to capture economic benefits at various points along the production and distribution value chain. Activities of non-state actors; individuals and Multi-National corporation’s activities within the region, instead of curbing, have exacerbated the precarious situation. 

In addition, militarized government responses to insecurity and criminality in the Niger Delta, which do not address underlying economic and social drivers of violence, have also caused a cascade of negative consequences in affected communities.

To curtail the growing economic and human costs of criminality, including oil bunkering, artisanal oil refining, and gang and cultist violence, it is pivotal to address the fundamental social and economic drivers of criminality in the region through a bottom-up, inclusive, and community-centered approach that takes into account the needs of all community members, especially youth in Bayelsa, Delta and Rivers States.

Search for Common Ground, in collaboration with co-applicants PIND, and SDN, successfully implemented an 18-month action funded by the European Union. The initiative aimed to foster inclusive community security approaches to address the systemic drivers of violence and criminality in Bayelsa, Delta, and Rivers States. 

Specific Objectives (SO) and Expected Results (ER) of the Project:

SO1: To empower diverse community actors to address social exclusion, lack of economic opportunity, and environmental degradation

ER1.1: Local community actors, including youth, are better equipped to jointly address social exclusion, lack of economic opportunity, and environmental degradation

ER1.2: Youth and adult leaders increasingly collaborate to explore and address drivers of division, criminality, and conflict in their communities

SO2: To strengthen collaboration amongst communities, security actors, and the private sector around preventing and responding to the triggers and core drivers of violence and criminality 

ER2.1: There is greater collaboration between communities and security and government actors around early warning and response to key security issues

ER2.2: The private sector better collaborates with and responds to the needs of local   communities

SO3: To foster online and offline social cohesion within and between communities in Bayelsa, Delta, and Rivers

ER3.1: Target communities have increased positive interactions across dividing lines

ER3.2: Target online audiences have increased access to positive content that fosters social cohesion

SO4: To foster multi-level dialogue between communities, civil society actors, and government officials in Nigeria and abroad that informs innovative policy development around preventing criminality and violence in Bayelsa, Delta, and Rivers

ER4.1: There are enhanced networks and opportunities for actors at all levels to formulate policies that respond to the underlying drivers of violence in the Niger Delta 

Goal and Objectives of the Final Evaluation
  • As the project nears its final phase, we are seeking a consultant to conduct a comprehensive final evaluation of the project with the main goal of determining or otherwise whether the objectives of the project have been met. 
  • Specifically, the consultant will employ the evaluation principles  to assess the  project performance based on the following:
1. Evaluation of the Relevance of the Projects results and  whether they were aligned with the needs and priorities of the target community and stakeholders,
2. Examine the projects Effectiveness to determine the extent to which the project achieved its stated objectives and outcomes.
3. Impact: Examine the broader changes (positive, negative, intended, and unintended) resulting from the intervention;.
4. The Sustainability of the projects results through an assessment that includes the identification of barriers/factors affecting the likelihood that the benefits of the project will continue beyond the life of the project?,
5. And lastly, Lessons learned for future intervention  in the Niger Delta to inform future programming of this nature.  
  • Note that the findings from this final evaluation will serve as a critical reference point for measuring the project's effectiveness, level of achievement of project objectives ,and impacts from the baseline benchmarks. This information will support learning and accountability for stakeholders, Search and the donor. Hence, the consultant would be expected to provide End-line values on the underlisted outcome indicators of the project and compare it with the baseline figures to show variance that will indicate progress towards meeting the project target. 

Objectives and Indicators
  • Impact: To foster inclusive community security approaches to address the systemic drivers of violence and criminality in Bayelsa, Delta, and Rivers States
  • % decrease in community members who believe that there are significant risks of violent incidents in their community (disaggregated by age, sex, location) (aligns with NDICI impact indicator under Objective 7 – “Public perception of the level of security”)
  • % of community actors, including young people, who believe they can make a positive difference in the area where they live  (disaggregated by age, sex, and location); This is a Peace Impact Framework indicator    
  • % of increase in community members who believe decision-making on security issues is inclusive and responsive (disaggregated by age, sex, and location); This is a Peace Impact Framework indicator 
  • Number  of incidents of serious violence or conflict associated with natural resources extraction or management, (in particular, oil and natural gas) (NDICI Impact Indicator, Objective 7.2) 
  • Objective 1: To empower diverse community actors to address social exclusion, lack of economic opportunity, and environmental degradation
  • % of community leaders who report positive relationships with youth in their community  (disaggregated by age, sex, and location)      
  • % increase in community members who believe that there are significant opportunities to earn a livelihood in their community (disaggregated by age, sex, and location)

  • Objective 2: To strengthen collaboration amongst communities, security actors, and the private sector around preventing and responding to the triggers and core drivers of violence and criminality
  • % of community members who report being consulted by security/private sector actors around issues that concern them at least once in the past six months (disaggregated by age, sex, location)

  • Objective 3: To foster online and offline social cohesion within and between communities in Bayelsa, Delta, and Rivers
  • % of individuals reporting an improvement in inter- and intra-community understanding in target localities (NDICI Core Outcome Indicator, Objective 5)
  • % of positive sentiments (i.e. likes vs. dislikes; positive comments) associated with the content from the social media campaign (disaggregated by age, sex, location)
  • Objective 4: To foster multi-level dialogue between communities, civil society actors, and government officials in Nigeria and abroad that informs innovative policy development around preventing criminality and violence in Bayelsa, Delta, and Rivers
  • % of participating regional, state, and national actors who report enhanced multi-stakeholder cooperation around criminality, including with local actors  (disaggregated by sex, actor type)      
  • % increase in state-level security body members who believe that there is effective security infrastructure in their state (disaggregated by sex, age, actor type, location)

Key Study questions
  • The final evaluation will address but not limited to the following questions:

  • Were the project’s outcomes aligned with the identified needs and priorities of the target community?
  • Did the project address significant gaps in the context of its implementation?
  • Was the intervention adaptable to changes in the operating environment?

  • To what extent were the project’s objectives and targets met?
  • What factors contributed to or hindered the achievement of these objectives?
  • Were the methods and strategies used effective in delivering results?

  • What significant changes occurred in the lives of beneficiaries as a result of the intervention?
  • Did the project contribute to systemic or transformative changes?
  • Were there any unintended positive or negative consequences?

  • Are mechanisms in place to sustain the project’s benefits?
  • Were local capacities and systems strengthened to maintain activities?
  • Did the project integrate environmental, financial, and social sustainability considerations?

Lessons Learned:
  • Was the project consistent with national policies and donor interventions?
  • Did it complement or duplicate efforts of other stakeholders?
  •  Were synergies achieved through collaboration with other programs?

Geographical Locations coverage
  • The final evaluation  will be conducted across Bayelsa, Delta, and Rivers States, gathering information from representatives of local government areas and communities where the project was implemented within the three senatorial zones of each state:
  • The evaluation will cover the full duration of the project .
  • The evaluation will encompass all the components and activities of the project, including its design, implementation, and results.

All geographic locations where the project was implemented will be covered:
  • Bayelsa State (8 LGAs): Southern Ijaw, Brass, Ogbia, Ekeremor, Sagbama, Nembe, Yenagoa.
  • Delta State (13 LGAs): Burutu, Udu, Ethiope East, Warri North, Bomadi, Warri South West, Ughelli North, Ughelli South, Isoko North, Uvwie, Warri South, Sapele.
  • Rivers State (13 LGAs): Andoni, Emohua, Port Harcourt, Obio/Akpor, Gokana, Khana, Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni, Eleme, Asari-Toru, Akuku-Toru, Ahoada West, Ahoada East, Okrika.

Methodology and Data Collection Tools
  • The consultant, in submitting their proposal, should provide a comprehensive outline of the research approach and data collection methodology to be used. This should include the proposed sampling techniques and their justification in relation to the research objectives. The application must clearly explain why the suggested methodology is the most suitable for achieving the study objectives. Furthermore, the proposal should clarify the various tools to be utilized, detailing how each tool will contribute to addressing the established lines of inquiry. 

The evaluation should adopt a mixed-methods approach, ensuring comprehensive data collection and analysis. The methods that may be adopted include:
  • Desk review of project documents, reports, and relevant literature.
  • Quantitative surveys with beneficiaries and stakeholders.
  • Qualitative methods such as focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and case studies.
  • Field visits to project locations to observe activities and outcomes.

The consultant will be responsible for:
  • Finalizing the literature review.
  • Designing the final methodology.
  • Developing data collection tools.
  • Training enumerators.
  • Conducting data analysis.
  • Drafting the report and actionable recommendations, which will be validated during one-day sessions in each of the target states.
Proposals should emphasize clarity on data triangulation and include detailed descriptions of key data collection methodologies. The consultant must outline methodologies for data analysis, providing justifications and rationale for the approaches chosen. The proposal should also address the integration of Do No Harm strategies and suggest mechanisms for sharing the study findings in alignment with research ethics, particularly those involving human subjects.

The final inception report, detailing the methodology and tools, will require approval from Search’s Head of DMEL and the Institutional Learning Team (ILT) Focal Point before data collection begins. Additionally, the Search DMEL unit will actively participate in enumerator training and conduct intermittent supervision visits to monitor data collection in the field.

Logistical Support
  • The consultant(s) will be responsible for organizing all logistical arrangements related to data collection, including vehicles, fuel, and drivers. These costs must be included in the proposed study budget.
  • Additionally, Search will provide the external consultant with relevant background materials for the project, including previous mappings and listenership surveys, to support the study.

Timeline and Key Deliverables
  • Timeline
  • This study will take place from April 2025 with the final deliverables due by 30th April 2025 at the latest.
  • Final deadlines will be agreed upon by Search and the Consultant upon finalization of the contract.

  • Deliverables and Expectations
  • Search expects the following deliverables from the external consultant(s) to align with the agreed timeline and budget:
Inception Report
  • Detailed methodology, data collection tools, analysis plan, and timeline.
Training and Preparation
  • Training of data collectors or setup of systems for data collection.
Field Operations
  • Supervision and participation in data collection activities.
Data Management and Analysis
  • Oversight of data coding and analysis.
Debrief and Preliminary Findings
  • Presentation of initial trends and preliminary findings after data collection.
Raw and Cleaned Data
  • Submission of raw data collected from the field and cleaned data used for analysis.
Draft Report
  • Submission of a draft end line report in English for review by Search staff and partners.
Final End line Report (Maximum 20 pages, excluding appendices)  incorporating feedback and including an executive summary, findings, conclusions, and recommendations aligned with the adapted DAC principles. 
  • Written in English and consistent with Search branding and standards.
  • Incorporates the following:
  • Clear explanation of objectives, research questions, methods, and limitations.
  • Findings structured around study objectives and linked to target groups.
  • Strategic recommendations that are audience-specific, accessible, and actionable.
  • Includes appendices with research instruments, a list of interviewees, terms of references, and a brief biography of the evaluator(s).
Summary Document
  • A concise, 2-page summary of key findings as a separate document.
Presentation Materials
  • PowerPoint slides (maximum 12 slides) summarizing key findings and recommendations.
Final Restitution Session
  • Conduct a session to present findings, insights, and recommendations.

  • A detailed budget should be submitted, outlining the following:
Personnel Daily Rates
  • Specify daily rates for all personnel involved in the study.
Data Collection Costs
  • Include costs related to data collection, such as sampling, transportation, and logistics for the number of people sampled and the sites selected for data collection.
Data Analysis and Deliverables
  • Include the costs for data analysis and the production of deliverables, such as reports, presentations, and summaries.
Mobilization Costs
  • Include the cost of mobilizing up to 35 persons for holding a data validation session in one of the target states.
Comprehensive Budget
  • The budget should include all planned costs for the study, with no additional costs expected to be borne by Search.

Requirements of consultant
  • The following skills and experience are expected by Search for the selected evaluator for this project:
  • Proficiency in English (written and spoken);
  • Demonstrated expertise in conducting evaluations based on DAC principles.
  • Proficiency in mixed-methods research and participatory approaches.
  • More than 7 years of experience in conducting media mapping, and media evaluation, including collecting data using interviews, surveys, and focus group Discussion methods;
  • Have done similar livelihood studies involving youth in the Niger Delta.
  • Experience in previous work of this nature in the Niger Delta with the social sector;
  • Experience working with international organizations/Non-governmental Organizations;
  • Experience conducting quantitative surveys and analysis;
  • Strong analytical and report-writing skills
  • Familiarity and experience with contextual challenges in the geographic location(s) where the study will take place.

In addition, the consultant is required to respect the following Ethical Principles:
  • Comprehensive and systematic inquiry: The consultant should make the most of the existing information and the full range of stakeholders available at the time of the review. Consultants should conduct systematic, data-based inquiries. He or she should communicate his or her methods and approaches accurately and in sufficient detail to allow others to understand, interpret and critique his or her work. He or she should make clear the limitations of the review and its results.
  • Competence: The consultant should possess the abilities and skills and experience appropriate to undertake the tasks proposed and should practice within the limits of his or her professional training and competence.
  • Honesty and integrity: The consultant should be transparent with the contractor/constituent about: any conflict of interest, any change made in the negotiated project plan and the reasons why those changes were made, and any risk that certain procedures or activities produce misleading review information.
  • Respect for people: Consultants respect the security, dignity and self-worth of respondents and program participants. The consultant has the responsibility to be sensitive to and respect differences amongst participants in culture, religion, gender, disability, age and ethnicity.
  • In addition, the consultant will respect Search’s evaluation standards, to be found in Search’s evaluation guidelines: 

Selection Criteria
  • Consultant proposals will be selected for:
  • Relevance of proposed methodology to the goal, objectives, and research questions for the project.
  • Quality of proposed methods, conflict sensitivity approaches, and quality control measures.
  • Qualifications of the candidate(s).
  • Proposed budget in relation to proposed methodology, deliverables and team.
  • Timeline for proposed activities.

Management and Coordination
  • The evaluation will be managed by the SEARCH Team, with the consultant(s) reporting to DMEL Manager who is responsible for the coordination of the study

₦1,000,000 - ₦2,000,000 a month
This is for a consultancy

To apply, interested candidates (individuals or teams) are requested to submit the following two documents along with a short cover letter:

Curriculum vitae and a sample of a past baseline research work in the Niger Delta.

A technical proposal proposing a methodology for the evaluation together with a financial proposal for the completion of the aforementioned deliverables and a short cover letter.

Note that all documents should be merged and uploaded as a single document.

Applications must be submitted on or before 31st  March 2025

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CEO of Search for Common Ground
Search for Common Ground CEO photo
Shamil Idriss
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$18000 / YEARLY (est.)

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What You Should Know About Consultancy for Project Final Evaluation Niger Delta Project (CRIN-VIN), Search for Common Ground

Are you ready to make a meaningful impact in the Niger Delta? Search for Common Ground is seeking a talented consultant for the Consultancy for Project Final Evaluation of the Niger Delta Project (CRIN-VIN). This is not just any consultancy; it's an opportunity to work with an innovative organization focused on transforming communities through dialogue and collaboration. As the chosen consultant, you'll dive into an in-depth final evaluation that assesses the project's effectiveness in addressing criminality and violence in the region. You'll analyze gender-disaggregated outcome indicators and carry out a socio-economic analysis to understand the driving factors behind criminality, particularly related to oil bunkering. Imagine contributing to strategies that empower community members, especially youth, to tackle social exclusion and environmental degradation head-on! You'll engage with diverse stakeholders across Bayelsa, Delta, and Rivers states, making a genuine difference. Your findings will guide future interventions and policy developments, ensuring that positive change continues long after the project ends. As you embark on this journey, you will not only showcase your analytical skills but also your expertise in mixed-methods research and participatory approaches. We invite you to bring your passion and experience to Search for Common Ground and help turn local challenges into solutions that foster peace and security across the Niger Delta. Join us to collaboratively reshape the future of this vibrant community!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Consultancy for Project Final Evaluation Niger Delta Project (CRIN-VIN) Role at Search for Common Ground
What are the responsibilities of the consultant for the Project Final Evaluation at Search for Common Ground?

As the consultant for the Project Final Evaluation of the Niger Delta Project (CRIN-VIN) at Search for Common Ground, your main responsibilities will include conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the project's effectiveness, identifying the relevance of its outcomes, and analyzing the socio-economic factors contributing to criminality in the Niger Delta. You will assess the alignment of project objectives with community needs and document significant changes in beneficiaries' lives. This entails employing a mixed-methods approach, engaging with local teams, and producing actionable recommendations based on your findings.

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What qualifications are needed for the Consultancy for Project Final Evaluation role at Search for Common Ground?

To excel as a consultant for the Project Final Evaluation at Search for Common Ground, you'll need a robust background in mixed-methods research and evaluation, with more than seven years of relevant experience. Your skills should include conducting data collection through surveys, focus group discussions, and in-depth interviews. Expertise in the socio-economic dynamics of the Niger Delta, along with strong analytical and report-writing skills, is essential. Proficiency in English, a deep understanding of ethical evaluation practices, and prior engagement with international organizations or NGOs will be advantageous.

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How will the findings from the Project Final Evaluation impact the Niger Delta community?

The findings from the Project Final Evaluation of the Niger Delta Project (CRIN-VIN) at Search for Common Ground will significantly impact the community by informing future program designs and policy development. Your evaluation will document both the positive and negative outcomes of the project, allowing stakeholders to understand what worked well and what didn’t. This valuable information will help shape strategies that address the root causes of criminality and violence, ensuring that community members, especially the youth, can thrive in safer, more inclusive environments.

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What methodologies are expected to be used during the final evaluation of the Niger Delta Project (CRIN-VIN)?

The final evaluation of the Niger Delta Project (CRIN-VIN) at Search for Common Ground will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative research techniques. This will include desk reviews of project documents, quantitative surveys with beneficiaries, and qualitative methods such as focus group discussions and key informant interviews. Field visits will also be integral to observing project activities and outcomes firsthand, ensuring a comprehensive analysis that captures the full scope of the project's impact.

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What is the timeline for the Project Final Evaluation at Search for Common Ground?

The Project Final Evaluation for the Niger Delta Project (CRIN-VIN) at Search for Common Ground is scheduled to commence in April 2025, with all final deliverables due by April 30, 2025. This timeline allows for thorough planning, data collection, and analysis, ensuring the evaluation findings are comprehensive and actionable before they are presented to stakeholders and incorporated into future strategies.

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Common Interview Questions for Consultancy for Project Final Evaluation Niger Delta Project (CRIN-VIN)
What experience do you have that's relevant to the Consultancy for Project Final Evaluation role?

In responding to this question, emphasize your relevant experience in conducting evaluations, particularly in conflict-sensitive environments. Highlight any past projects where you've evaluated community interventions, especially those focused on socio-economic or environmental issues. Be sure to mention specific methodologies you’ve employed and the outcomes of those projects, demonstrating your ability to assess community needs effectively.

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Can you explain your approach to conducting mixed-methods research for evaluations?

When answering this question, describe your strategy for integrating both qualitative and quantitative methods. Talk about how you design surveys to gather numerical data and how you complement this with in-depth interviews or focus groups to gain deeper insights. Explain how you ensure that the methods you choose align with the project's goals and the context of the Niger Delta, reflecting sensitivity to local cultures and needs.

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How would you measure the success of community interventions in the Niger Delta?

To answer this, discuss the importance of having clear, measurable outcome indicators that align with the intervention's objectives. Explain how you would evaluate both qualitative changes, such as shifts in community attitudes towards violence, and quantitative measures, such as decreases in reported violent incidents. It's crucial to mention how you would gather baseline data and compare it to end-line findings to assess progress effectively.

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What strategies would you employ to engage local stakeholders during the evaluation?

Highlight the importance of building trust and relationships with local stakeholders. Discuss how you would initiate engagement through participatory workshops and focus group discussions to capture their insights and perspectives. Stress the need for ensuring that their voices are heard and incorporated into the evaluation process, thereby enhancing the legitimacy and relevance of your findings.

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What ethical considerations do you take into account during evaluations?

In your response, outline key ethical principles such as informed consent, confidentiality, and respect for cultural sensitivities. Discuss how you would ensure transparency in the evaluation process and how you would mitigate any potential harm to participants. Emphasize your commitment to adhering to ethical guidelines established by organizations like Search for Common Ground.

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How will you ensure that your evaluation findings are utilized effectively?

When answering this question, emphasize the importance of clear communication and presenting findings in accessible formats. Discuss your plans to hold debrief sessions with stakeholders, coupled with concise summary reports. Stress the need to make recommendations actionable and ensure that they align with the community's aspirations, fostering a sense of ownership over the evaluation results.

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What challenges do you anticipate in evaluating the Niger Delta Project (CRIN-VIN)?

Prepare to discuss potential challenges such as security issues, cultural dynamics, and logistical difficulties in reaching remote areas. Talk about how you would approach these challenges proactively, such as by engaging local informants for support or adapting your evaluation methods to ensure safety and accuracy while collecting data.

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How do you plan to validate your data during the evaluation process?

Validation is crucial for credibility. Explain your plan to use triangulation methods, comparing data from different sources to ensure accuracy. Discuss how you would involve local stakeholders in the validation process, inviting them to review initial findings and provide feedback to enhance the reliability of your conclusions.

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Can you describe a time when you had to adapt your evaluation approach mid-project?

Reflect on a specific instance where you faced unexpected changes, such as shifts in community dynamics or logistical constraints. Discuss how you assessed the situation, adapted your approach, and the positive outcomes of your flexibility. Emphasize your ability to remain solution-oriented in dynamic environments, showcasing your problem-solving skills.

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Why do you think community-centered approaches are important in evaluations?

In your response, highlight the significance of community-centered approaches in fostering trust, relevance, and sustainability. Explain how involving community members in the evaluation process not only enhances data quality but also empowers them to take part in decision-making. Emphasize that such approaches lead to more effective and lasting positive change.

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